Thursday, 16 January 2025
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[MWEB GameZone Review] Beyond: Two Souls - Dichotomy Has Never Looked This Good

Added: 17.10.2013 12:17 | 8 views | 0 comments

MWEB GameZone delivers an honest, well rounded review of Beyond: Two Souls. Beyond takes the idea of a game, then proceeds to dress it in beautiful visuals, coating it with layer after layer with magnificent audio and visual levels, then sews this up with dramatic concepts and some cringe-worthy storytelling.


Beyond: Two Souls | Codec Moments

Added: 17.10.2013 8:18 | 1 views | 0 comments

"Do you control your destiny, or does it control you?" Codec Moments reviews Beyond: Two Souls


Review: Beyond: Two Souls (8bitfix)

Added: 17.10.2013 8:18 | 5 views | 0 comments

8bitfix writes: Beyond: Two Souls is Quantic Dreams latest endeavor seeking to blur the lines between video gaming and cinema. In what is definitely one of the most anticipated games of the year, does Beyond possess that same seducing flair when it was first revealed? In many ways it does. In very few ways does it just miss that mark. At its core, Beyond is an interactive drama that possesses a character driven plot that sees the player attempt to weave an understanding about where the games premise ultimately leads to.


Review: Beyond: Two Souls is engaging but certainly isnt for everyone - Canada

Added: 17.10.2013 1:18 | 4 views | 0 comments

Quantic Dreams Beyond: Two Souls, one of the last big titles of this console generation, certainly isnt for everyone, causing it to become one of the most polarizing modern video games ever. It seems people either love or hate the game, with very few individuals holding opinions somewhere in between.


Beyond: Two Souls

Added: 16.10.2013 23:22 | 4 views | 0 comments

Achievements: Two Souls (Bronze) Objective: Launched a scene in Duo mode. All Endings... Objective: Saw all...


Opinion: Is Beyond: Two Souls a Game?

Added: 16.10.2013 23:18 | 1 views | 0 comments

Arcade Sushi - "Lets talk about the recently released Beyond: Two Souls for a second. I have one question for you. Is it a game? Seems like a simple question right? We call it a video game, so youd think its a video game. It has a goal that you want to achieve: getting to the end. There are areas you can succeed and fail in. That all sounds game-like, right?"


Beyond: Two Souls Review | Dealspwn

Added: 16.10.2013 17:18 | 1 views | 0 comments

Dealspwn: "Beyond: Two Souls presents a massively overblown sci-fi carousel of high melodrama that's sadly undermined completely by an antithetical focus on routine choices and fine detail for the player, numerous plot holes and a lack of tension and mystery, and the squandering of its one truly unique selling point. The high calibre performances from Beyond's star-studded cast can't save Beyond from being little more than a discussion piece designed to be seen and not touched."


Beyond: Two Souls Review (BioGamer Girl)

Added: 16.10.2013 16:18 | 2 views | 0 comments

BioGamer Girl states, "David Cage created one of the all-time great PlayStation 3 exclusives with Heavy Rain back in in 2010, so naturally Sony fans would be excited for his next release, Beyond: Two Souls. As a movie, Beyond: Two Souls would still be a confusing film strengthened by excellent acting, but as a video game, Beyond: Two Souls is a little more than an elongated cutscene where the player makes few consequential decisions that definitely keeps the game from being a must purchase."


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